Earn Money to Blog

Start Making Money Online with your Blog Today

Don't know how to blog for money? Not sure where to start? Not a problem - follow this roadmap to making money online with your blog right now!
There’s a disease for everything today and apparently bloggers are not immune. According to That’s Fit, Blogitis is very real:

Here you are, reading a blog. You're staying up to date with the latest news on fitness, health, food and nutrition. Maybe you also read other blogs to check up on current events, or celebrity gossip, or sports -- but does that mean you're addicted?

You might have blogitis, which, at least according to one public relations speaker, is a real disease.

At Earn Money to Blog, we can’t disagree – especially when you add the element of monetizing your blog; the disease is taken to a whole new level. Today I will give you my top 10 signs that you have Monetized Blogitis – An addiction to earning money with your blog (of course I just made this up but humor me and play along).

10.) You have multiple blogs. One just isn’t enough is it? You need to create multiple sources of income.

9.) You are registered at any or all of the following sites: Technorati, StumbleUpon, Furl, del.icio.us, MyBlogLog, and Digg.

8.) You create a new blog post every day because Google just loves new content (and so do your users!)

7.) Firefox is your choice of browser BECAUSE you need plugins like Digg, del.io.us, and Furl to easily bookmark your new blog posts.

6.) You Check your emails for responses to your blog posts several times an hour.

5.) You have blog monitoring tools like Google Analytics and HitTail to track your visitors.

4.) You worry obsessively that your Google AdSense ads are in violation of their Terms and Services.

3.) You check your Google AdSense several times an hour to keep tabs on impressions, click-through rate, and amounts earned.

2.) You put keywords into Google several times a day to see where your page ranks.

1.) You’ve convinced your spouse to start a blog to earn money.

If you answered yes to 7 out 10 of these signs – congratulations! You have Monetized Blogitis. It’s a completely made up disease by Earn Money to Blog! Hopefully your signs of this disease increase, because so to, will the odds of earning money with your blog.


A lot of websites on the Internet today talk about how they make money. But not many give you step-by-step articles on how to make money with YOUR blog.

This piece of cyber-space is dedicated to being your #1 source for learning how to blog for money. My articles are focused around the FREE Blogger (Blogspot) service, but you can apply a lot of the information here to ANY blogging platform or website.

Make Money Online With Your Blog Roadmap

A quick roadmap to help you get on track. Use this as a starting guide for this site, but please do navigate the menu system to obtain even more valuable information.


You've heard about blogs but you're not sure what blogging is all about. Or maybe you have a Blogger blog but don't have a clue how you can start making money online with it? Check out some of these articles.
What is a blog? Learn what a blog and blogging is all about.
How can I create a Blogger blog for free? Learn how easy it is to set up your very own blog with the Blogger service for free.
What is RSS? RSS is a staple in the blogging world. You need to know what this is in your quest to make money online.
What is Google AdSense? Google AdSense is a free service that will help make money with your blog.


You have your Blogger blog setup already. You understand the basics of ad services like Google AdSense and Widgetbucks, but you want to take things to the next level so you can make money online with your blog quickly.
Integrate AdSense into your Blogger blog You have your Google AdSense account setup - it's time to integrate it into your blog to start making money.
Where should I place AdSense? You can't just slap Google AdSense anywhere and start making money. You need to know the hot spots so you can maximize the amount of money you make with your blog.
How to integrate WidgetBucks on my Blogger Blog? Google AdSense isn't the only ad service to generate money on your blog. Learn how to integrate WidgetBucks so you can make even more money.


You're a blogging pro. You have your blogger blog setup and jam packed with quality content and great ad services like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks to make money with your blog. But you want an edge - maybe some top tier tools that will help you tweak your Blogger blogs to perfection.
HitTail HitTail is a great free tool that let's you easily analyze how your visitors found your site -- in real time!
Top 3 FREE Blog Monitoring Tools These 3 tools are essential to your blogs success.
Create a Google AdSense Channel AdSense channels allow you to track which ads are making you the most money.


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Learn more about blogging for money and how this site can help you monetize your site.