Earn Money to Blog

Start Making Money Online with your Blog Today

Don't know how to blog for money? Not sure where to start? Not a problem - follow this roadmap to making money online with your blog right now!

What is RSS?

Making money to blog requires a vast array of knowledge. Of course you need a blog to get started, and then you’ll integrate some ad services like AdSense and WidgetBucks. These ad services will help us generate money with our blogs, but without the readers there is no money. RSS plays a big role in building our fan base.

(Here's my feed if you would like to subscribe now)
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Ok great, so what exactly does RSS stand for and why should I care?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. When you create a new post with Blogger it publishes a new RSS “feed”, which is simply a stripped down version of your website. It contains the basic text and any images you display.

I don’t get it. What’s so good about a stripped down version of my site?

In today’s ADD, news-hungry society, RSS has exploded in popularity. People want as much information as they can get their hands on, with as little effort as possible.

With RSS comes “Feed readers” like Google Reader. These applications allow readers to “consume” or subscribe to your sites feed. When you post a new article, the user is alerted. The great thing about these feed readers or RSS readers is that they provide a quick list of your article subjects. So instead of being overwhelmed with a page load of content, they can simply scan for subjects that interest them and then drill down further if they wish.

I’m starting to get this RSS thing… but maybe you can create some analogy for me to make it clearer?

Boy you sure do ask for a lot. Ok – here goes: Let’s say you go to the store and purchase a magazine on computer software. Chances are good that you will flip open a page and have a subscription card fall on to your lap. For this example, let’s pretend it’s a subscription to the latest Microsoft news. Well, if you like Microsoft and you care about their news (I’m an Apple guy by the way) you’ll fill out their card, write a check and send it off in the mail. Now the first of every month – you’ll get a brand new magazine from Microsoft and learn about their many failed attempts to beat Apples’ iPod with their Zune (sorry, I just had to throw that in there). And of course if you get tired or the same ol’ same ol’, you can cancel at any time.

RSS is the same way (Minus the paid subscriptions, thankfully). If you run across a site that you find interesting, you can simply subscribe to that sites feed and you’ll be alerted to anything new coming from there. And of course, you can cancel the site feed at any time.

This was an introduction to RSS. In future articles I will discuss ways we can present an RSS feed for our users to consume. In the meantime, digest this information, because RSS is something you need to know about if you’re going to be a serious blogger.


A lot of websites on the Internet today talk about how they make money. But not many give you step-by-step articles on how to make money with YOUR blog.

This piece of cyber-space is dedicated to being your #1 source for learning how to blog for money. My articles are focused around the FREE Blogger (Blogspot) service, but you can apply a lot of the information here to ANY blogging platform or website.

Make Money Online With Your Blog Roadmap

A quick roadmap to help you get on track. Use this as a starting guide for this site, but please do navigate the menu system to obtain even more valuable information.


You've heard about blogs but you're not sure what blogging is all about. Or maybe you have a Blogger blog but don't have a clue how you can start making money online with it? Check out some of these articles.
What is a blog? Learn what a blog and blogging is all about.
How can I create a Blogger blog for free? Learn how easy it is to set up your very own blog with the Blogger service for free.
What is RSS? RSS is a staple in the blogging world. You need to know what this is in your quest to make money online.
What is Google AdSense? Google AdSense is a free service that will help make money with your blog.


You have your Blogger blog setup already. You understand the basics of ad services like Google AdSense and Widgetbucks, but you want to take things to the next level so you can make money online with your blog quickly.
Integrate AdSense into your Blogger blog You have your Google AdSense account setup - it's time to integrate it into your blog to start making money.
Where should I place AdSense? You can't just slap Google AdSense anywhere and start making money. You need to know the hot spots so you can maximize the amount of money you make with your blog.
How to integrate WidgetBucks on my Blogger Blog? Google AdSense isn't the only ad service to generate money on your blog. Learn how to integrate WidgetBucks so you can make even more money.


You're a blogging pro. You have your blogger blog setup and jam packed with quality content and great ad services like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks to make money with your blog. But you want an edge - maybe some top tier tools that will help you tweak your Blogger blogs to perfection.
HitTail HitTail is a great free tool that let's you easily analyze how your visitors found your site -- in real time!
Top 3 FREE Blog Monitoring Tools These 3 tools are essential to your blogs success.
Create a Google AdSense Channel AdSense channels allow you to track which ads are making you the most money.


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Learn more about blogging for money and how this site can help you monetize your site.